Drinking a glass of fresh juice on your comfort sofa make you pleasing feel. Fruit juices are rich in minerals and vitamins, which are very important for the human body. But if upholstery contaminated with juice, how should you wash and make it clean? You can use this article to remove juice spots and laundry your sofa in-house.
Clean and non-colored cotton napkins
Cleaners with Enzymes
Sofa or Rug Shampoo
White vinegar
If the spot is new, leave a sheet of paper or paper towel on and clean the stain as much as possible with rubbing.
If it is old or dried, rinse the spot with the glycerine extracted from vegetable juice (exclusively for cleaning) and let it remain for half an hour, then clean it.
Add 2 tablespoons upholstery shampoo (if not applied use carpet shampoo) and one tablespoon of white vinegar in a 1-liter of water and rub it by sponge-soaked material on a stain. Repeat this step to completely cleaning and removal of the spot.
If the stain has last for hours, first remove the glycerin remains from previous step with a tissue. Then add two tablespoons of detergent with enzyme to one tablespoon of white vinegar and add a liter of water to the mixture. Use sponge to clean the sofa. Repeat this step to completely clean the stain and no traces remains of it.
If your sofa is white or has light colors, you can mix a 3% hydrogen peroxide in 2 cups of cold water and first apply it on small part, behind the sofa. If it has not shown any undesirable feedback, clean the sofa with a sponge.
It is recommended to dry the juice spot after washing process by hairdryer. Be aware that the long period use is not recommended since causes the hairdryer damaged.
If the stain does not disappear completely with this washing procedure, the best way is to contact professional carpet washing service by call or online ordering.
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